Paying your bills can be very simple. You no longer need to open your banking app, scan QR codes, or re-enter your payment details. With just one click, your payment is completed, as long as you’ve saved your payment method for future use with the same supplier.
How do I pay with one click?
When you receive a new bill from the same company where you’ve already saved your card, all you have to do is choose whether to pay now, later, or with a payment plan (if available). Your saved payment method will automatically be suggested, but you can still choose another payment method and save it for future use if needed. This way, you always stay in control.
How do I save a payment method for one-click payments?
During the first payment of a bill, you can save your payment method so that future bills from that company can be paid quickly. Follow these steps:
- Choose whether to pay the bill immediately, later, or with a payment plan (if available).
- Select your payment method. If you choose Bancontact, you’ll have the option to save this method for future use.
- Activate the option to save your card and complete the payment.
- The next time you receive a bill from that company, you’ll be able to pay with just one click!
Note: Your saved payment method can only be used for bills from the specific company where you saved it. It cannot be used for bills from other suppliers.
Benefits of one-click payments
- Easy and fast: No more opening your banking app, scanning QR codes, or entering details again.
- Full control: You can modify or remove your saved payment methods at any time via the three dots in your invoice interface.
- Security first: Your data is secure. The system does not store sensitive card information, only a secure connection with Bancontact.
- Manage together: You can, for example, add a joint account with your partner so that both of you can pay bills. This is also useful for business: link your company’s bank card so that each business partner can settle bills easily.
- Multiple payment options: By saving multiple payment methods, you’ll always have the right option at hand, without any extra hassle.
How long will my payment method remain available?
Your payment method is stored for up to 13 months after the last use or when the expiration date is reached.
So every time you make a payment with that saved payment method, the counter starts again. For example, if you pay an invoice in April and do not use that payment method again after that, we will delete it in May of the following year. If you use that means of payment again in September and do not pay with it afterwards, it will be stored until October of the following year. Always 13 months, unless the card has expired in the meantime.
For one-click payments with Bancontact, the maximum amount per transaction is €500. If your bill exceeds this amount, you’ll be given the option to pay via another method, such as a standard Bancontact payment, where you’ll need to confirm the payment in your banking app or with a card reader.
In addition, the limit set by your bank also applies. Most banks have a limit of €2,500 per week. This limit may vary by bank, so it’s a good idea to check your bank’s specific conditions.