How do I cancel my Doccle account?

You can cancel your Doccle account at any time.

However, we do not want to withhold this useful information from you:

  • Legally, you must keep certain documents for a number of years. In your free Doccle account, ALL your documents are stored for at least seven years (or as long as required by law).
  • As long as you keep at least one connection, you can also upload documents to your account yourself.
  • New companies are constantly joining Doccle. You can add this without much effort thanks to automatic proposals (with the confirmed e-mail address and / or linked itsme in your account).
  • You do not have to delete connections with companies to which you are no longer affiliated. This way you will continue to have access to the documents already received in your archive on Doccle.

When you are sure that your account can be completely deleted, we recommend that you first check if there are important documents that you want to keep and download those documents. After all, once your account has been deleted, you will lose access to the documents you have received up to that point.

Completely okay? Go to our handy contact form, choose under "Choose one of the options below" for "I want to delete my Doccle account" and enter your username.

We will arrange this for you as soon as possible 👍

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