The explanation below only applies to the web version of Doccle. The language of the Doccle mobile app is determined by the language set for the operating system on your smartphone (Android / iOS).
You can change the language via the settings of your account. Once logged into your account, follow these steps:
- Open the menu in the top right corner, where your username / e-mail address is, eg.
- Select
Paramètres / Instellingen / Einstellungen (depending on the current language).
- Then choose paramètres du compte / accountinstellingen / kontoeinstellungen at the top.
- Click on the menu at langue / taal / Sprache and select the language of your choice.
- Confirm with the button enregistrer / opslaan / speichern.
Your account will immediately be displayed in the selected language. You will also receive every new e-mail in the language of your choice.