Use of data points for connections

What are data points?

Data points are the personal information you share with Doccle when creating a Doccle account and adding your personal data to it.

These data points are used to find and propose new connections with companies, so that you can receive all of your documents in one secure space.

How can I manage my data points for connection proposals?

  • Click on your name in the top right corner, and select ‘Preferences
  • Go to the setting ‘Data for Connections

On this page you will discover which of your data points are used by Doccle to find and propose new connections. A connection is a link between you and a company. After the connection is made, the connected company or institution can share content with you via the Doccle platform.

You can set per data point whether it is used to propose new connections:



You can also enable and disable the function to suggest connections at any time:



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