To get the best user experience and to enjoy our latest functionalities, Doccle supports the most recent browsers and operating systems, on your PC and on your mobile phone. Below is the list of browsers and operating systems supported by Doccle. If you are experiencing problems with the interface, please update your browser or operating system to the latest version.
General policy
We support the 2 latest major browser and operating system releases (unless otherwise noted in the list below).
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
Operating Systems (OS)
- Windows 10 & 11
- Mac OS X
- Android
- iOS
At the time of writing, eID is not yet supported on Linux.
Email Programs
- Microsoft Outlook (web client, O365 client, Windows client and Mac client)
- Gmail
- Hotmail
- Apple Mail
- Windows Mail
We do not support mobile operating systems (OS) other than Android or IOS.
Every time a new version is released for general availability, Doccle will start supporting this version and stop supporting the third-oldest major version. Updating our product can take up to 3 months.
Beta versions are not supported.
Doccle offers this policy for browsers and OS for transparency.
Doccle reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy (examples: conflicts for security reasons).